My Emacs Configuration

When it comes to editors, I’m partial towards Emacs. I can use vi, and for a time I flirted with converting to use vim/gvim since it’s preloaded on all my company’s Linux systems, however I strongly prefer Emacs and do have it customized a fair amount.

So, I’m posting the public portions of my .emacs file here. Some parts might be useful by themselves and I’ll present them separately.


Python snippet: SAX parser with internal entity expansion disabled

This was a rough problem. I’m using Python’s SAX modules for parsing JMdict, and ran into a problem regarding its use of XML entities. Nothing wrong with JMdict, but the expansion is rather verbose and does not lend itself well to what I’m doing. I don’t want “word containing irregular kanji usage”, but rather, I want the “iK” code.

Unfortunately, the default ExpatParser doesn’t have a clear way to disable this. But if you read the docs closely enough, you can find out about setting a “default handler” for it, which has the side effect of disabling internal expansion.

This isn’t a perfect fix, but here’s the class I used to get this done:


Moved hosting again, back to WordPress for updates…?

Okay, I’ve moved back to GoDaddy again for hosting (as also mentioned on the site news page). I’m going to see about redoing this default WordPress theme into one which fits with the “no frills” rest of my site, and then keep the static pages for content like my programs. I’m also thinking of adding Read more about Moved hosting again, back to WordPress for updates…?[…]